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Thursday, July 29, 2010

DIY: Customized Flats

I uploaded a new video last night on how to customize your flats! Check out my channel to watch the video or just continue reading and I'll tell you how I did it. 

First, you'll need to gather your materials. I used an old pair of flats that I bought at Target, a paintbrush, a small sharp pair of scissors, a fashion magazine, and Mod Podge (a water based glue/sealer that you can buy at most craft stores for around $8).

I recommend laying newspaper out where you are going to do this because it can get a little sticky! Make sure your flats are clean by wiping them with a damp washcloth or paper towel. While they are drying, flip through your magazine and cut out different pictures or words that you want to glue on your flats.  When your flats are dry, take your paintbrush and dip it into the Mod Podge. Apply a thin layer of this on your flats where you want your magazine clipping to go. Lay it down and cover it with another thin layer of Mod Podge.  Continue doing this until your flats are covered to your liking. Seal your shoes with another layer of Mod Podge and allow them to dry for 30 minutes. Now you have a pair of flats like no other!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sexy Nightclub Eyeshadow Tutorial

Here's a tutorial for a fun eye look you can wear when you're going out with your friends dancing! This look looks awesome in person and in pictures because it has so many sparkles! It is sure to catch someone's eye ;)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Got a package today!

So earlier this month I was walking around CVS in the beauty section and saw some Ardell lashes and thought I'd give them a shot. I also bought the DUO dark-tone waterproof lash glue because I've heard good things about it. I know that you can use a pair of lashes a couple times as long as you take care of them but $4.99 for a pair of lashes is quite expensive! So being the eBay shopper I am, I searched for cheaper lashes and found a deal I could not give up! EBay seller ejoytune (top-rated/ 98.9% positive feedback ) was selling 60 pair of lashes (plus lash glue) for only $3.99 and the shipping was $5.99 (because they're located in Hong Kong)! I payed for these on July 2nd and received them today July 14th.

I wore #112 today :) Quality is what you pay for so I wouldn't use the same pair more than once and I definitely would not use the lash glue that comes with it! Stick to DUO. 

Monday, July 12, 2010

DIY: Revamping a tank with an old tee.

I'm pretty sure most of us have a lot of clothes that we either don't like anymore, can't fit in anymore, or are in bad shape. So what in the world do we do with them? Well, if you don't want to throw them out, give them to charity, or to a friend, continue reading and i'll show you how to make cute flowers out of an old tee! :)

1) Start with a piece of cotton clothing. I used an old black vneck tee that I don't wear anymore.

2) Cut the tee from the bottom to the sleeves for clean edges.  You should end up with a big rectangle.

3) Now take your fabric and cut as many 3x3 squares as you can!

4) Take your squares and start cutting different shaped circles (big, medium, small, extra small).

5) With a needle and thread, stitch along the edge of the circle, leaving about half and inch in between.

6) After pulling the thread so that all the fabric bunches up, you should end up with a pouch shape. Flatten the pouch and you should have something that looks like this!

7) Now take your flower and sew them on a plain tank. I chose a cream colored tank because it contrasts with the black and I think they go together nicely.

Have fun! The possibilities are endless. Try using patterned fabric or sew your flowers on an old bag!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July Weekend

For 4th of July me, my best friend, and my boyfriend took a trip to DC! We drove 3 hours to Chantilly, VA where our hotel was and then drove to Tysons Corner Center (the biggest mall in VA) to do some shopping before seeing the fireworks. I got a few things at the mall- two belts, gold toms, a Toy Story 3 sippy cup :), NYX blue glitter eyeliner, and NYX jumbo eye pencil in Milk. After the mall we headed to DC to watch the fireworks and traffic was CRAZY. The next day, we headed back in the city and rode the metro to Chinatown to go to Urban Outfitters.  Then we rode the metro to the zoo. It was pretty disappointing because it was way too hot for the animals to be outside. Overall, I had a lot of fun and I can't wait for next year to do it all again!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Great summer finds!

      So today me and my boyfriend went to the mall to search for these babies. They were exactly what I was looking for! They are called "Love Me Red Heart Sunglasses" and I bought them at Hot Topic for $12.99. They are 100% UV protected, fit nicely, and are perfect for summer! We also went to Target where I found these swim bottoms. They had no sign around or price tag on them so I wasn't sure how much they would cost but I wanted them anyway. When the cashier rang them up, they were only $3.74! What an awesome deal. I plan to wear them with a yellow triangle bikini top that I have. 

Friday, July 2, 2010

Feeling Creative

Here is one of the many pieces i've been working on recently. I think it's super girly and perfect to wear to spice up a bummy outfit :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer is the time for

..... new beginnings.

      Welcome to my blog! I plan to update this frequently with tons of things ranging from beauty tips and tricks to random daily life occurrences. If you happen to stumble upon it, I hope you enjoy :)
